Arts Entrepreneurship Social Hour Exhibition and Event
Minneapolis College of Art and Design | August 2018 - May 2019 | Curatorial
Arts Entrepreneurship at MCAD
Arts Entrepreneurship at MCAD includes two Bachelor of Science majors - Entrepreneurial Studies and Product Design. Here students are able to combine their interests in both business and art working on real projects with real clients. With a focus on creative problem solving, sustainable development, and human centered design the entrepreneurial studies major equips students to succeed in a constantly evolving economy.
Exhibition Design
The 2018 / 2019 academic year Arts Entrepreneurship Social Hour exhibitions included a fall and spring semester show. Fall featured creative work, both professional and personal, from current MCAD Arts Entrepreneurship faculty and department alumni. Spring was all artwork made by current Arts Entrepreneurship students.
The fall showed off the range of fields Arts Entrepreneurship applies to with a variety of work including photography, infographics, paintings, and a video installation. Arlene Birt, MCAD faculty and alum, shared a sampling of infographics made for clients at her company, Background Stories. Entrepreneurial Studies Alum Kyle Werstien was represented with posters and album covers created for his band, Fury Things.
The spring exhibition, Fuse, included lot of 3D work from current Arts Entrepreneurship students including a life sized sculpture of a person, woven wall hangings, 3D collages, a hand bound book, and a light fixture. Students in Arts Entrepreneurship from freshman to senior were encouraged to submit work made during their time at MCAD.
Curation and Coordination
Arts Entrepreneurship department chair, Stephen Rueff, offered me the position of curator for the social hours exhibitions of the 2018 / 2019 academic year. My role evolved and included much more, giving me real insight and hands on experience into exhibition planning from beginning to end. For the exhibitions I served as curator, installer, exhibition designer, and contact. I was in contact with alumni, faculty and students, sending out the call for work, advising on submission, and coordinating drop of and install. The exhibitions were on the 4th floor of MCAD, in the E/Studio space - a dedicated exhibition area for Arts Entrepreneurship. Layout and exhibition design were up to me. Once everything was measured and prepared, I installed all the work. I helped prepare and layout the space for the social hour and exhibition receptions. Arts Entrepreneurship has a student designer that I worked with to create the promotional materials for the exhibitions. For the future social hour exhibition designer, I created a guide for the space and event to assist with the spatial planning and timeline for the event.