“Intuit is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Our mission is to celebrate the power of outsider art. Intuit defines “intuitive and outsider art” as work of artists who demonstrate little influence from the mainstream art world and who instead are motivated by their unique personal visions. This includes what is known as art brut, non-traditional folk art, self-taught art, and visionary art.”
Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art
Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art is a Chicago-based nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the understanding of and appreciation for intuitive and outsider art through a program of education and exhibition.
The IntuiTeens summer internship program brings together teens from across the city of Chicago to explore their own creativity and learn about the power of outsider art. After studying the museum collection and researching outsider artists, teens design and their own workshop based on an artist of their choice. In addition, IntuiTeens are provided guidance and mentorship in arts teaching, museum education, museum administration more!
I was an IntuiTeen myself and created a workshop based off the work of Eugene Von Bruenchenhein. I was inspired by his other worldly scratch paintings. I hosted several scratch art workshops at libraries around Chicago focused on space and nature. In addition to the workshop, I was able to assist with events, research the collection and learn more about museum education.
After being an IntuiTeens, I transitioned into the role of teacher and facilitator. During the summer, I helped the teens develop their workshops and conduct research. I toured the space with them and helped them become familiar with the collection. I ran their instagram, promoting the internship and their individual workshops and events.